Columbia County Museum Pass Program
Museum Passes are made possible by a grant to the Columbia County Libraries Association from the Ellsworth Kelly Foundation. Passes are available to all Columbia County residents with a library account in good standing.
- Patrons can reserve passes online at the link below or by calling the library.
- Passes are good for the day of reservation only. Physical passes should be picked up on the day you reserve them for.
- Most passes can now be printed at home using the link below or displayed on a phone.
- For those museums that require a pass picked up from the library, passes must be returned either at the circulation desk or in the book drop before 10:00 am on the day due.
- Limit of three passes per family per day.
- The fine for late return of physical passes is $5.00 per day. (Our new fine free policy keeps fines on passes.) If the pass is lost or stolen, you will be required to pay the full replacement cost.
If you are unable to use a reserved pass, please call to let us know, even for the print at home passes, because only staff can cancel a reservation and make it available to someone else.