Preamble. The Board of Trustees of the Roeliff Jansen Community Library (the “Library”, formerly the Hillsdale Library), a corporation created under a charter granted under Sec. 253 of the New York State Education Law by the Board of Regents of the State of New York, dated December 17, 2004, is governed by the laws of New York State, the regulations of the Commissioner of Education, and the following Bylaws. The purpose of the corporation is to provide superior library service to the residents of Ancram, Copake, and Hillsdale in particular and the Roe Jan area more generally.
Mission Statement. The mission of the Library is to serve every sector of the community by inspiring lifelong learning and curiosity, advancing knowledge and understanding, strengthening the vitality of the Roe Jan area, and securing the Library’s stability for generations to come.
Bylaws. Since all libraries in New York State are expected to make their Bylaws easily accessible to the public, the Board posts their Bylaws on the Library’s website.
spaBoard of Trustees
Board of Trustees. The Library is governed by a Board of Trustees (hereinafter the “Board”), subject to applicable law and in accordance with the purposes and limitations set forth in the Charter and these Bylaws.
Qualifications of Trustees. Eligibility for office is limited to persons at least eighteen years of age residing or owning property within the Towns of Hillsdale, Ancram, or Copake, and/or surrounding areas.
a. Number of Trustees. The Board shall consist of no fewer than nine and no more than twenty-five Trustees. Within these specified limits, the number of Trustees may be increased or decreased by action of the Board, provided that no decrease shall shorten the term of any incumbent trustee. Until changed by the Board, the number of Trustees will be twelve. The Board means the number of Trustees that were elected at the most recent election of trustees, as well as any Trustees whose terms have not yet expired.
b. Quorum. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
c. Election and Term of Trustees. Members of the Board shall be elected by a majority of the vote of the Board at the December meeting for a term of three years. They shall take office at the commencement of the Annual Meeting in January.
d. Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President, consisting of at least three persons. The Chairperson shall be a member of the Board.
The Committee shall present, not less than one month prior to the December meeting, the names of one or more persons for each Officer and Trustee vacancy to be filled.
e. Vacancies. Vacancies occurring on the Board for any reason shall be filled with a replacement to serve the remainder of the term at a meeting of the board by a majority vote of the board.
f. Ex Officio Board Members. The Library Director, or any other ex-officio Board members as may be appointed by the majority of the Board from time to time, have the right to attend and participate at all meetings of the Board but shall have no vote.
g. Absence. If any Trustee fails to attend three consecutive meetings without excuse accepted as satisfactory to the Trustees, that Trustee shall be deemed to have resigned. The Trustees may elect a replacement who shall serve for the remainder of the term.
h. Removal. The Board may remove a Trustee for misconduct, incapacity, or neglect of duty, on examination and due proof of the truth of a written complaint by any Trustee, by vote of a majority of the Board, provided, that at least one week’s previous notice of the proposed action shall have been given to the accused and to each trustee as provided in Educational Law sec. 226; subdivision 8.
i. Resignation. Any Trustee or Officer may resign by notification in writing or by email to the President or Secretary. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt, unless it is specified to be effective at some later date, and the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
j. Actions of the Board. All actions of the Board shall be as a unit. No Board member shall act on behalf of the Board, on any matter, without prior approval of the Board. No Board member by virtue of his or her office shall exercise any administrative responsibility with respect to the Library nor, as an individual, command the services of any Library employee.
I. Officers
The Officers of this Library shall be President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Board. Duties shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
Preside at all meetings of the Board;
Serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee;
Serve ex-officio on all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee;
Sign official documents on behalf of the Board;
Oversee all actions, policies, and regulations of the Board;
Set the agenda for all Board meetings; and
Appoint committee members, and chairpersons where needed.
Vice-President. The Vice-President shall:
Carry out the responsibilities of the President in the temporary absence or disability of the President, or if such absence or disability becomes permanent or the President resigns, until the Board shall elect a new President; and
Serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee in the absence of the President.
Secretary. The Secretary shall:
Record the minutes of all meetings of the Board;
Sign official documents when so required; and
Send correspondence as directed by the Board, as needed.
Treasurer. Working with the Bookkeeper and Library Director and with the advice and assistance of the Financial Committee, it is the responsibility of the Treasurer to:
Oversee the receipt and disbursement of funds and the recording of all transactions;
Maintain accurate financial records using standard financial reporting methods and examine them in-depth;
Ensure the preparation of an annual audit or review and all tax forms in a timely manner; and
Prepare monthly reports for the Board and the public and report monthly to the Board on the state of the Library’s finances.
III. Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board shall be held on a day and time to be established by the Board.
There shall be no fewer than four meetings in a year.
The Annual Meeting shall be held in the month of January.
Special meetings shall be held at the call of the President, or on the request of at least two members. Notice of a special meeting shall be communicated to all Trustees by the Secretary.
Only such business contained in the call of a special meeting may come before the Board at that meeting.
IV. Committees
All committees and chairpersons shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of a majority of the Board. Committees are not empowered to execute plans and programs or allocate funds without approval of the Board of Trustees. At any meeting of a committee, a quorum for the transaction of business properly before the committee shall consist of a majority of the members of the committee. Committees shall make regular reports to the Board.
The Board Committees are:
Executive Committee. An Executive Committee shall be established to serve a one-year term, concurrent with the terms of the elected Officers, and shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Executive Committee shall meet on an as-needed basis if immediate decisions are required, such meeting to be called by the President, or in the President’s absence, the Vice President. The Committee shall be empowered to make needed decisions between regular Trustee meetings.
Human Resources Committee. This committee shall consist of at least two members of the Board. This committee shall;
Oversee the work of the Library Director and other staff, including job descriptions and evaluations
Monitor the Human Resources policies of the Library and formulate and recommend changes when needed
Finance Committee. This committee shall consist of the Treasurer, who will be the chairperson, and at least two other members, who may or may not be members of the Board. The mission of the Finance Committee is to advise and assist the Treasurer and the Board in financial matters, helping them to act in a fiscally responsible manner that maintains the financial health and stability of the Library. To accomplish this the committee will:
Develop and recommend policies regarding financial operations of the Library
Help the staff and Board evaluate financial questions and develop options
Analyze the financial impact of the Library’s future plans and challenges
Provide financial advice and analysis to the Development Committee
Oversee the investments of the Library and recommend desirable changes
Be available to the Board as needed for consultation on financial matters that may arise
The Committee may make recommendations but all material decisions on financial administration of the Library will be subject to formal adoption by the Board.
Development Committee. This committee shall consist of at least three members of the Board.
It shall;
Plan and implement an annual and other appeals for financial support to both the business community and individuals
Plan fund-raising events as may be deemed appropriate.
Other committees may be appointed from time to time by the President as needed, with the approval of the Board, to further the work of the Library.
Non-Board members may be appointed to any committee.